Your child can master Chinese Vocab today
As featured on Channel News Asia, Vocab King is Singapore’s first AI Chinese learning platform, and has transformed thousands of students’ Chinese over the last decade.
- 88+% of students who practise regularly improve significantly within 2 months.
- Use AI to target 100+ new or forgotten words every week
- Personalised quizzes, pet battle games and animated stories based on latest MOE curriculum
Why do children love revising with Vocab King?
Chinese assessment books are dry, boring and tedious. Especially if your child gets little exposure to Chinese outside class.
Vocab King started as the secret sauce of KidStartNow, Singapore’s first AI-powered Chinese enrichment centre. We asked ourselves: “how can we get students to willingly practise Chinese?“
The solution: “make learning a game.”
By revising Chinese engaging through pet battles and animated stories, thousands of students have improved by answering 1+ million questions on Vocab King.
And yes, Vocab King is also available to students who aren’t enrolled with KidStartNow, and complements all Chinese classes!
"Kairos enjoys doing Daily Challenge and Pet Battle segments of the portal as they are fun and allow him to earn diamonds. The appropriate difficulty of the questions also encourages him and facilitates his revision."
Why Vocab King?
Do you sometimes feel that even after sending your child to weekly Chinese enrichment or tuition, he or she still struggles with Chinese?
Do you get slightly worried and frustrated when you help your child with spelling (听写), and even if they get full marks, they forget almost every thing by next week?
Or does your child have a lot of problems with Comprehension, Composition and Oral, especially when it involves words that aren’t even taught in the school textbook?
All of these are common problems that arise because your child doesn’t get enough exposure to Chinese at home, and 1.5-2 hours of Chinese enrichment a week isn’t enough.
But it’s really hard for us parents because even when we try to speak in Chinese to our kids, they simply respond in English. And once our children get into upper primary, the vocab become quite difficult such that many parents can’t help.
That’s why so many kids struggle with Chinese despite attending enrichment for many years.
But what if this doesn’t have to be the case?
WHAT IF… our children have access to on-demand system that teaches them anything they don’t know and helps them continuously improve through intelligent revision?

That’s exactly why we created Vocab King, Singapore’s first AI Chinese learning platform, that helps your 3-12 year old child plug learning gaps and revise Chinese at home.
Look: we know that revising Chinese is probably the last thing your child wants to do. And you’ve probably already tried other traditional Chinese eLearning platform but your child refuses to do it.
So what makes Vocab King different?

Why does Vocab King Work?
Designed to be fun!
Every element of Vocab King is designed to attract and hold kids’ interest, and our flagship product is a fun Pet Battle game.
Think of our pet battle game as educational Pokemon!
Kids battle by answering questions to capture fire, water and nature pets, all with their own distinctive powers and abilities.

Read & learn words!
Your kids love to read English books, but won’t pick up a Chinese one?
They might be frustrated if they can’t read many of the Chinese words. But we know that reading is essential to improving.
Vocab King makes reading Chinese and learning new words a breeze. All words in our portal are clickable and your child will immediately be able to see its meaning, hear how it sounds and how it can be used in a sample sentence.
And we go one step further. Words added to your child’s wordlist will be given higher priority by our AI engine, ensuring that they revise it during games and quizzes.
Fast and effective!
We know your kids are busy AND hate revising.
So Vocab King takes just 10 minutes of daily practice.
Our AI powered algorithm knows exactly which words your kid has just learned or might soon forget.
We zoom in with fully personalised quizzes.
So your kids spend valuable time learning things they need to know, and not what they already know.


The portal has encouraged my daughter to embrace Chinese language more than before. We have tried other online programmes but the simple interface and byte size quizzes have made learning Chinese a breeze.” – Kevin, K’s Father

Peter loves the self directed learning portal that is fun and intuitive in learning Chinese. The games have an endless variety of words that exposes him to a wide Chinese vocabulary! Being motivated, his interest in Chinese keeps on going through KidStartNow, and his Chinese is one of the best in school class! – Mei, Peter’s Mother
Why is revision so important for Chinese?
From our years of experience, most of the problems students face with Chinese stems from a weak vocabulary foundation, and the key to building and maintaining a strong vocabulary is revision.
This is due to the “Forgetting Curve”: in 1885, German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus found that when anyone learns something, he or she forgets half of it within a day, and almost all of it by next week.
The “Forgetting Curve” theory has been widely tested and proven, and applies particularly for language learning.
This is why so many kids struggle with Chinese despite attending many years of enrichment.
Or why a child can get full marks at spelling (听写) by cramming, but forget almost everything soon after.
When a child learn a new word, he or she will forget it quickly unless there are multiple revision sessions. Which almost never happens because it’s so hard to get kids to revise Chinese.
Until Vocab King, whose fun and smart revision games make it the perfect supplement to your child’s enrichment and tuition classes.

Pricing for annual subscription
Comprehensive plan that includes worksheets and marking-
Revise Vocab via AI-powered system
Practise questions on interactive pet battle game
Based on latest MOE curriculum
100+ animated stories with read-aloud
Weekly video lesson (P1-P6)
Download worksheets aligned to MOE syllabus
Worksheets marked by KidStartNow's teachers
Redeem physical toys and books from our eShop
Using AI to personalise learning
Revising Chinese is hard and time consuming. And practising questions we already know just makes it worse. Vocab King’s AI identifies what your child is weak at, and personalises a unique revision plan that closes knowledge gaps and reinforce tricky areas
Every time your child answers a question on our portal, our AI algorithm combines that with feedback from your child’s teacher and
benchmark data from other students to better understand your child’s progress.
Every child is unique, and so should their learning plan. Use AI to transform your child’s Chinese

Our system tracks your child’s progress,
and identifies knowledge gaps
Every time your child answers a question, our proprietary AI technology tracks his or her progress and benchmarks it against millions of data points to generate a personalised learning pathway that is unique for your child.
You might ask why is this important?
Imagine if your child is constantly bombarded by questions that are way too difficult for him or her? It will be incredibly demoralising to constantly get these questions wrong, and your child will likely not want to revise.
On the other hand, if your child is only test on questions that he or she already knows, then this is both a waste of precious revision time and not actually helping your child improve.
Our AI system is constantly tracking your child’s progress to generate a personalised revision plan that helps him or her revise efficiently and improve quickly.
Note: parent app shown below is still under development