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The most common question I get from parents is “How can I help my child stop hating Chinese?”. I know what your

If your child did badly for Chinese this mid-term, read on. Over a three-part series, we will be covering the key areas

As parents, we all know how important reading is to doing well in Chinese. The question is: how do I encourage our

Artificial Intelligence or AI is the hottest buzzword in most industries, and education is no exception. In schools, MOE is working on

Your child struggles with Chinese vocab and you don’t know how best to help them. If this describes you, keep reading to

Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution to exercise more, to study harder, to spend less time on games… only to

Wordle has been taking the world by storm. If you haven’t heard about it, it’s a daily word game where you need to

阅读理解 or Chinese comprehension is the minefield where many exam marks are lost. We previously did a case-study of a lower primary

It’s Teachers’ Day tomorrow (3rd Sep), and rather than the usual Teachers’ Day gift ideas, I’m going to suggest three free ways

Weekly tips to help your child excel at Chinese

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