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The biggest news last month is China’s crackdown on the private tuition sector, prompting renewed discussion on Singapore’s own enrichment sector, and

Ask any primary school parent which Chinese topic gives their child a headache, and the answer is either comprehension or composition. We

In this short post, we introduce a collaborative learning feature for our online students to promote a more social learning experience. As

As a principal of a Chinese school, I get daily questions from new parents worried that their children will fall behind as

This is the second post of a three-part series on the common problems primary school students face when learning Chinese. In this

As parents, we instinctively know the importance of reading in second language acquisition. Unfortunately, it’s also not that simple to get students

Writing composition is perhaps the biggest problem many primary school students face when learning Chinese. And while the PSLE weightage of composition

As we approach the end of year exams, many students face one of the biggest minefields when it coming to learning Chinese

The importance of revision

This is the first post of a three-part series on the common problems primary school students face when learning Chinese. In this

Weekly tips to help your child excel at Chinese

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